
New Features of OneStream Version 8

OneStream Version 8 is a major release that brings many new features and improvements. This blog highlights the most interesting features aimed at improving the user experience. Let's explore some of the most important updates.


Users can now easily copy, filter, delete and export journal entries. Select the Copy button and choose theTarget periods to copy journal entries over different time periods.

SeSelect all journal entries or use the filter button and then press the Delete button to delete multiple journal entries at once.

Easily export journal entries to a journal template (.xlsx)

Creating Quick Views from POV

A new right-click function is available in the Cube View Data Explorer. Users can create a Quick View showing the POV (Point of View) of the selected cell.

The Quick View is opened in a Spreadsheet or Excel sheet and can be used for further analysis.

XFGetCellDrill Down

Drilldown functionality has now been added to XFGetCells in the Excel add-in and Spreadsheet. Right-click on the cell and select "Drill Down.


DDashboards have been renamed Workspaces; the term "dashboard" is no longer used. Cubeview groups and Data Management groups are now part of the workspace and can be created directly through the workspace. Assemblies are integrated into workspaces. Within assemblies, users can create business rules (files) using C# or Visual Basic. Assemblies allow users to write logic exactly where it is needed.


  • MarketPlace solutions need to be updated
  • Laptops should upgrade their .NET version to .NET 8.0 (codes will generally run faster, but old codes may not be able to compile).

With these improvements, users get a more intuitive user experience and greater efficiency and capabilities. If you have any questions about OneStream Version 8, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Happy grading!
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