
Excel pivot table, how does it work?

A pivot table is a powerful function in Exel to analyze your data. It is important that your data is stored in tabular form, that is, with rows and columns.

You can insert a pivot table based on different types of data;

  • From Table/Range
  • From external data source
  • From data model
  • From Power BI

From Table/Range

In this case, select an existing table or data range in Excel and start building your pivot table from here

With the options below it gets really interesting because here you can start connecting to a real life dataset and make your Excel file dynamic instead of static.

From External Data Source

In the data tab you can connect to an external data source, these are numerous different data sources

From Data Model

If a connection is already present in the Excel file you can use this option

From PowerBI

Or you can connect directly to a PowerBI dataset

So now we can analyze our data using a pivot table in Excel. But suppose we now want to adjust the data in this pivot table. For example, we are working on a budget or forecast round and we want to make some adjustments to this budget or forecast. Is this possible? Unfortunately this is not possible in Excel. But it is possible with other EPM software! Check here which solutions Finext offers for this.


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