Use Case

IFRS 16 with Anaplan

Finext takes the worry out of the IFRS 16 standards with an application in Anaplan. This IFRS 16 software has built-in basic functionalities, enabling a fast and scalable implementation.

IFRS 16 with Anaplan

Every company that uses International Accounting Standards (IAS) is required by IFRS 16 to recognize lease contracts in the balance sheet. This has far-reaching consequences for the size of the balance sheet, financial reporting and for identifying and collecting the right information. Finext has a smart solution.

IFRS 16 Software Anaplan

Finext's Anaplan specialists have developed an IFRS 16 solution on the Anaplan platform. With this solution, we provide a fast implementation, a limited burden on IT resources and a cloud-based platform. As a result, the application grows with the organization without having to make upfront investments.

Users can independently create new contracts and modify existing contracts. Automated uploads provide insight into new or modified contracts. For example, this IFRS 16 software is suitable for loading contract information from the Leaseplan portal directly into Anaplan. The financial consequences of contract changes are automatically calculated. The results of these calculations can be processed directly in your ERP system.

Finext provides a custom build implementation of the IFRS 16 software that matches the specific IFRS 16 accounting process within your organization.

Read how Finext implemented the IFRS 16 module at Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG).

Want to know more?

Curious about how our tooling can help you?

Do you have questions about this solution, are you curious about how it works, or would you like to spar about whether this is a good solution for the challenges you face? Then feel free to contact Niek Stam.
Niek Stam
Niek Stam
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Timo van Leeuwen
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Floris Steenvoorden
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Mischa Wijsman
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Dennis Gerritsen
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Rogier Louter
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Maaike Brouwer
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Benno van Ingen
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Leon den Braber
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Nicolo Perfranceschi
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