Story Lotte Oost
Stories from Finexters
Why Lotte enjoys working with people.

We are known thanks to our professionals, the Finexters. Some have just started working for a month and others have years of work experience, but all are consultants and all are constantly developing their own, and each other's, skills. But who are these 'Finexters' and what exactly do they do as consultants? They can best tell us that themselves, of course. We ask Lotte Oost, BOARD consultant and team resource planner, about her experiences.

What she likes most about her job is the freedom, although she also finds it difficult at times. "Right now I'm working on a big project at the UWV," Lotte says. "We are working there on a housing planning model: where are the FTEs located, how many employees are needed per location and per division, and how can we optimally deploy this knowledge? This allows the UWV to plan more efficiently." Lotte is doing this project together with a team of Finexters. "That's not always the case," she says. "Now we happen to sit there with a few colleagues, but sometimes I also sit alone with a client."


Lotte is part of the Board team. She is a specialist in this field, but also has other duties. "Our teams are self-managing. Everyone fulfills a specific role; I am responsible for resource planning." She explains: "Planning projects and deploying our colleagues on them is very important. For our team of 13 colleagues, I keep track of who can work when and try to take my colleagues' needs into account."

Good click

Lotte explains more about her work as a consultant: "In addition to the UWV, I have also been working for some time on an assignment at Q-Park. There we completely revised an existing plan model and turned it into a very effective model. I love that." But she is not only enthusiastic about the content: "The people who work at Q-Park are so nice. We really have a good click with each other. That does make an assignment extra fun, of course." Whether there are organizations that Lotte would like to advise in the future? "I have a sustainability background myself, so it would be really nice to work for a sustainable company sometime, for example in the field of circular waste processing."


When asked what is most enjoyable and most difficult about her job, Lotte answers the same. "The freedom. At Finext you are very flexible in how you do your work. At the office, at home, at a client's: it doesn't matter. If it gets done, it's good." She explains: "That's very nice when you have a nice job, but when things are a little tougher, it can also be difficult." How does Lotte deal with this? "When I have a little less motivation, I seek contact with colleagues. I go to the office, schedule meetings. That way I create a compelling motivator." But down days are actually rare, she reveals. "I work in a nice team on challenging projects, and it's always pleasant. I get enormous satisfaction from the freedom, diversity and cooperation with clients and colleagues. I can really enjoy that."

"When I have a little less motivation, I seek contact with colleagues. I go to the office, schedule meetings. That way I create a compelling motivator."
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