Job Hakkert
Stories from Finexters
Why Job is always full of energy.

We are known thanks to our professionals, the Finexters. Some just started working for a month, others have years of work experience. But all are consultants and all are developing their own, and each other's, craftsmanship. Who are these 'Finexters' and what exactly do they do? They can best tell us that themselves, of course. We ask Job Hakkert, CCH Tagetik consultant.

Running hard

Job has been with Finext for over six years. He started as a junior consultant CCH Tagetik, and has since advanced to the role of senior. "Four days a week I work for clients, the fifth day I have space for my internal duties," he says. He is responsible for marketing for his team along with a colleague, as well as team lead. "That means I am first point of contact and take the lead when something needs to be done." Job explains: "At Finext we work with self-managing teams, there are no managers. I really like that: the more responsibility and freedom I get, the faster I run."

"The more responsibility and freedom I get, the harder I run," he said.

Working independently

And running hard Job certainly does. He currently works for three different clients. "I like having just a little more distance from the organization I work for. When you're somewhere full-time, it becomes harder to stay in your consulting role." Job helps his clients automate and improve consolidation processes with CCH Tagetik, and implements modules to automate and improve financial planning. "I think it's really cool to do projects independently. Having a team on site building something, and me having a coaching, advisory role and solving the tough issues."


What Job also gets a lot of energy from is working with his Finext colleagues. "They have also become a bit of my friends by now," he says. "The other day, for example, we had our annual 'mega-BP meeting'. That's when we discuss goals for the coming year with our team. Not only useful, but also just very sociable. On such days time flies, I could easily go on until late at night." Job therefore does not see himself leaving for another employer any time soon. "I'm just enjoying myself immensely. Besides, I don't know if I can still manage to work in an organization with a more traditional structure. Asking permission from a manager? I can't imagine anything about that."

"My Finext colleagues have also become a bit of my friends by now."
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