Merle Raven
Stories from Finexters
Why Merle is excited about the Finext Traineeship.

We are known thanks to our professionals, the Finexters. Some have just started working for a month and others have years of work experience, but all are consultants and all are constantly developing their own, and each other's, skills. But who are these 'Finexters' and what exactly do they do as consultants? They can best tell us that themselves, of course. We ask Merle Raven, junior consultant, about her experiences within the Finext Traineeship.

Merle deals with implementing planning software, in her case Oracle. "Now I mainly focus on financial planning and budgeting, but that can become much broader. Colleagues also deal with cost management or tax reporting, for example."

Seeing different types of businesses

The choice for a traineeship at a consultancy company was quickly made, Merle says: "I wanted to work at a consultancy company because I can see different companies: big and small, national and international, hierarchical or not. This way I can find out which type of company suits me well."

Currently, Merle is doing a project at a well-known multinational company. "There I get to deal with different layers and different job profiles that all have an interest in this project. This is again very different from my previous project, where I mainly had to deal with one department."

Core role is very diverse

Asked about the core of her role, Merle has to laugh: "My work is so diverse. We do the projects from A to Z - from collecting requirements and building a model to training the end user. In one day, I'm doing many different things."

The highlight of the day? "When I manage to perform a challenging task independently. For example, when I develop something in the planning model myself in the tool, or take responsibility in communication with the customer. I'm proud of that then."

Of course, there are also less interesting activities, just like in any other role. "I don't like the less technical part as much, such as clearly documenting requirements. Still, that has to be done too. Fortunately, that's only a small part of my role, most of the time I'm nice and busy in the tool."

"At Finext, I am never alone with a client, but always as a team on a project."

Acting as a team

Merle also looked at other companies while choosing a traineeship. An important reason for choosing Finext is that you work as a team. Merle: "At some comparable companies it was emphasized that you could also end up alone on a project with a client. That didn't appeal to me as much. At Finext, I am never alone on a client's project, but always as a team."

Even when she is not with the client, Merle experiences that team feeling. "With the project team we have a fixed day when we are all at the Finext office. And with the entire Oracle team we have a personal innovation day once a month. We also do fun things outside working hours. Next week, for example, we have an afterwork drink in Rotterdam."

Even as a junior already impact

Another important consideration for choosing Finext is the great freedom and the responsibility to match. "Here I have the freedom to take on all kinds of things, and with that hand in hand also a lot of responsibility. This allows you to make an impact quickly even as a junior. At many other companies, you don't get that space until you're a medior or senior. As a result, the learning curve here is very steep - not only in terms of content, but also in your personal development."

As a result, Merle feels that her expectations were well met: "It's a good combination of learning quickly and feeling comfortable."

That freedom, by the way, is something you have to pick up on yourself. "Speak out what energizes you, and what you dislike less," Merle advises. "Others can't see this from the outside about you. If you express yourself, there is plenty of room at Finext to develop and contribute in that area."

"It's a good combination of learning quickly and feeling comfortable."

Group feeling and own development

Merle is also enthusiastic about the structure of the Traineeship. "On the one hand, you start with a group of trainees who are all in the same boat. That quickly feels like a group of friends, which is very nice. That group is very international, by the way. Because of all those nationalities together we also learn a lot from each other, because everyone is different."

"On the other hand, you are working on your own development. That happens very quickly here: as a junior you are given so many tasks right away, and then also tasks that are interesting. You don't have to do all the 'rotten' jobs, you just really work with them."

Perfect transition from study to first job

So Merle can absolutely recommend the Traineeship at Finext: "For me, the Traineeship is the perfect transition from study to first job."

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