Daphne van der Vorm
Stories from Finexters
van der Vorm
Why Daphne wants to make progress every day.

We are known thanks to our professionals, the Finexters. Some have just started working for a month and others have years of work experience, but all are consultants and all are constantly developing their own, and each other's, skills. But who are these 'Finexters' and what exactly do they do as consultants? The best way to find out, of course. We ask Daphne van der Vorm, medior consultant, about her experiences.

Daphne started at Finext as a business consultant Profitability & Cost Management, but made the move to the Oracle team after a few years. There she now supports companies with their budget and forecast processes.

"If you like something at Finext, you can do it," says Daphne. "You're not tied to your job profile here and you get all the freedom to try new things." It's one of the reasons Daphne decided to start working here. "When I came for an interview, it felt right away."

"You are not tied to your job profile here and are given all the freedom to try new things."

Being curious

Still, Daphne's choice of Finext was not entirely obvious. "Some colleagues have a background in data science or finance. My background is very different: I have a master's in economics with specialization in public policy, which doesn't connect directly. My bachelor's is in Dutch and public administration, even further from the usual path." Now that she has worked here for a few years, she comes to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter what you studied. "The most important thing is that you are curious, that will get you a long way."


As a consultant on the Oracle team, Daphne usually works on one or two projects with clients. As a result, her weeks are quite varied. "Depending on the work, I work on site or remotely. Currently I'm doing an assignment at an insurance company, I'm there one day a week to keep in touch with colleagues and keep a feel for the requirements. The remaining time I work flexibly from home or at Finext's office." In addition to assignment work, Daphne also has internal duties. "I am working in my team on the marketing plans for next year, and I am organizing events together with colleagues in connection with Finext's 25th anniversary."

Rowing coach

The best thing about her job? Surely that's working together on solutions, Daphne believes. "The best days are the days when I work through and solve a problem with my colleagues and the customer. I just get tremendous energy from helping people. Offering practical handles that they can get on with." Daphne was a rowing coach for a long time and draws a comparison. "I loved helping people with ambition improve their performance." The same is true now in her position at Finext. "Taking steps, making progress and seeing things get better. That gives me energy."

Freedom, trust and drive

Finext as an employer also energizes Daphne. "If I had to describe the organization in three words, I would say freedom, trust and drive." She explains: "Freedom, because a lot is possible. Trust, because everyone assumes you are doing what you were hired to do. No one is looking over your shoulder. And drive because colleagues are always ready to help if needed." Daphne concludes, "All colleagues just want to do a good job, and all colleagues take responsibility to achieve that."

"If I had to describe the organization in three words, I would say freedom, trust and drive."
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