Suzanne Redert
Stories from Finexters
Why Suzanne likes to keep track.

We are known thanks to our professionals, the Finexters. Some just started working for a month, others have years of work experience. But all are consultants and all are developing their own, and each other's, craftsmanship. Who are these 'Finexters' and what do they do exactly? Of course, they can best tell us that themselves. We ask Suzanne Redert, consultant for the Board Team.

Major projects

"I've been working on two big projects for a while now," Suzanne says. "One at government organization UWV, where I am building a budget tool. The other at De Haan, an operator of gas stations, where we are working on an existing application. Next six months we will also start building a budget tool there." Working on long-term assignments with large clients is her preference. "I have a young family and work four days a week. With two large projects, I manage to combine work and home well."

No displays

That makes Suzanne's work week varied but manageable. "I spend one day at UWV, one day at De Haan, and the other two days I work at home or at Finext's office. On Wednesdays I'm off, that's when I don't work." She explains: "I have a 15-month-old son, on that day I'm with him. Basically, my laptop doesn't open then." Anyway, Suzanne tries to avoid screens in her free time. "Rather I go outside with my family, play sports or enjoy working in the garden."


Suzanne has worked at Finext since 2021, before that she held a similar position at another organization "I already knew some people who worked at Finext through my network. At one point I was polled: whether I was interested in transferring." That choice was not very complicated for Suzanne. "Sure, I had to think about it for a while, but the flat structure won me over. Because there is no management, you get a tremendous amount of freedom as an employee."

Working hard, laughing hard

And that freedom is a big plus, Suzanne thinks. "Although it's not always easy, mind you," she says. "For example, we conduct the evaluation interviews among ourselves, which means we have to be very honest about each other's performance. That is sometimes quite complicated, but we always come out of it." Andthere is a clear explanation for this. "At Finext we work hard, but we also laugh hard. That makes it easy to discuss things. We just know how to find each other!"

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